Reaching For Full Potential

Basic Literacy

1 in 5 has a reading disability1

74% stay classified throughout school2

33% with lowest literacy in prison (v. 20%)3

1 US Dept of Health & Human Services, National Inst of Health

2 Gunning, T. (2003). The role of readability in today’s classroom. Topics in Language Disorders, 23, 175-185.

3 National Center for Education Statistics. (1994). Literacy behind prison walls. US Dept of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement.


Support services from school have failed to stop highschoolers with reading and learning disabilities from dropping out at 3 times the typical rate. In response, some families homeschool their children. IDL is providing scholarships to homeschooled students in New York  to enable them to enroll in an innovative corrective intervention program, Dysolve®.

Dysolve® is the only artificial intelligence system that identifies and corrects the language-processing problems underlying reading difficulties. The IDL scholarships cover online programming, resource materials and consultation services. The goal is to remove underlying problems so students can succeed academically. New funding will allow us to expand our scholarship program to other student populations.


The IDL Scholarship Program consolidates previous community service offered by individual volunteers. Students in the Hyde Park Central School District, NY, received free Dysolve® services in past years. The TULIPS after-school program (Teaching Underlying Language In a Precise System) served middle and high school students in the Wappingers Falls Central School District, NY, in 2013-2014.

Math Literacy

The US ranks 38th out of 71 countries in math.1

2015 average math scores for 4th and 8th graders fell for the first time since 1990.2

Only 33% of 8th graders and 25% of 12th graders scored at/above the proficient level in math.2

1 2015 Program for International Student Assessment

2 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress, US Dept of Education


MathCounts is a nation-wide math program for students in middle school.  Its sponsors include the National Society of Professional Engineers

and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Its online platform allows students to assess performance using interactive problems

and work within an online community using collaborative tools. IDL provides facilities, advisory and financial support for the MathCounts Program in Northern Dutchess County, NY. What’s unique to IDL’s program is that its MathCounts coaches are children. High school students in Hyde Park coach students at Haviland Middle School to compete in the regional competition. While the middle schoolers compete against their peers, their coaches are in fact competing against adults. MathCounts coaches tend to be professionals from the STEM fields. But IDL’s MathCounts Program continues a tradition unique to Hyde Park in New York.


This kids-coaching-kids tradition began in 2007, with a high school freshman teaching an after-school MathCounts program at St. Martin de Porres in Poughkeepsie, NY. In 2009, the team represented Haviland Middle School for the first time at the regional competition. In the following year, the team placed in the top 3 at the regionals. As the high school coaches went to college, team members stepped up to become coaches themselves. To date, all our high school coaches were admitted to first-ranked programs in their majors. One of them was appointed to the US Naval Academy.